Untitled 12

Untitled Poetry

I rest

My weary soul

On a bed 

Of warm sorrows 


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When I was much younger, I

When I was much younger, I learned from two magnificent poets (both deceased), Callimachus of Alexandria (in the B.C. era) and J.V. Cunningham (who passed in 1985) that brevity is a classical talent, and that some of the greatest poems are the smallest.  I have stated my admiration for classical brevity in many comments that I have posted on postpoems; and, in this poem, the greatness is equally present.  In a few short lines, you have stated an enormously poignant emotional situation, with a huge backstory behind it, in four short lines consisting of eleven words.  Four lines; eleven words; a deep emotion expressed; and that huge backstory (which is nobody's business) implied.  In my opinion (which is tempered by almost forty-eight years of reading poetry), this is exactly the kind of poem that Callimachus and Cunningham would have applauded.  I am certainly applauding.  I am glad I did my prep, decades ago, to be able to appreciate this poem in the present moment.


rachel's picture

As always, your engagemnet in

As always, your engagemnet in my work (and praise!) is monumental to me. many thanks.