
I look into your eyes

Trying to find you there

My gaze drifts down to your arm

The raw scratches, opened up

For the third time today.

I want to burst into tears

Cry for your pain

I try so hard not to be angry

Do you realize that each one

Of those


Hurts me as badly as if

It was my arm they were on?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

My wife has self injury issues, part of the many effects a very abusive childhood have left on her.

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I wish I believed you felt anything. I feel every scratch. I feel every wound. I feel the new ones, put there today, after two months without a single cut, put there because I have no medicine and I know that I won't have any because nobody can be bothered to use the account set up to get it for me. But who cares. It's just me. Bleed, Jenn, bleed. It's only blood.