Don't Question Me

How can you say something felt is insincere

When you don't feel it?

How can you say something someone says is fake

When you don't even hear it?

How can you say that someone's living a lie

When you never lived it?

How can you say someone doesn't care

When you don't care?

How can you say something can't be proven

When I got the proof?

How can you tell me that someone is wrong

When your not right?

How can you tell me.. that I'm gonna regret something

When you don't know what I'm looking for?

How can you say that it's easy to handle

When you haven't been through it?

How can you say that someone's love isn't true

When you don't even know what love is?

How can you ask me if I mean it

When you see it in my eyes?

Why should you be real

if everyone else lies?

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this poem honestly makes you think aobut certain things that many of us do each day, i found it enjoyable. especially the last two lines...