Street Wise

Twice we met

with un-greeted glances

street wise senses

that arouse the sensual

a silent

lock of eyes

internal moans

escaping as small sighs

parting my thighs

and the mystery of the mastery

of your fingers

playing me

sweat drenched

hard against

my sweet tremble

I mumble


shivers slither down my spine

my knees

my stomach tied

in a dance of thighs

and legs entwined

while you dine

on mine

sweet street wise

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Going back a bit on what i said for "10 words" this is kinda in the middle. Is a beautifull to look at construction of words that bounce along happily and joyfully with their neighbours, but the poem as a whole doesn't really engage me, due to the fact it's essentially a bunch of sensual words, with little narrative. However, i do LOVE this line:

"shivers slither down my spine"

Makes my spine shudder to read it! Brilliant.