dead brother..........


say it way..say it day,

thats the only ray.....

what u got..what u lost,

its only a chance of immotional burst..

u are bright...getting light,

see other sight...starv and fight...

what u have planned to fly and ride,

see those human bombs..with lost pride...

set it right.ur son of a..father,

see ur mother and imagine her their mother..

this planet is small but..anxieties....

like the milkyways searching identities...

ahh..!....the blood...ahh..they sold..

why u helped..why u..nourished........

this is that find a well

that is the mail to threaten a sale...

come up...come up....ur the son of god..

think of think of...they are only ur buds...

which way u will dance..this is ur brother..

its his..chest..his..body ..dying..near.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

think of  ur  brother is dead..........

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