i don't know how to call this one, may be u have any idea

Life of a human, what is it

Why we have to struggle in it

Why do we face all that scratches and thorns

Just like water, who's way is blocked with the stones

Why life is a war where we have to fight

Why do we have to die for sunlight

Why there's more evil in life that I’ve seen

Why must I ask these questions at the age of nineteen

Author's Notes/Comments: 

i'm tired of wars, with other, with myself, with society, with my soul and my mind. i want some peace...is ther any?

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Stephanie Vance's picture

hey man thanx for reveiwing, i like this one, it kinda reminds me of one i wrote myself but yours is more precise, to the point, i'm no good with titles so i wont embarass myself by trying to come up with some. I like your work man, keep at it

Ernest Bevans's picture

Great poem - good questions.
How about a shorter more poigant title
like "WHY.." or "21st Century Riddle"
or "Life 2000"? In any event i enjoyed
this poem.
Keep writing - keep the faith.