My Five hour love

Love Poetry

Friday afternoon around five,

She knocked at my door.

I'm filled with an uneasy jive,

Why is she here; I need to know more.

Says she is bored,

Let’s go on a walk.

I roll my eyes and say oh lord,

We head down the road to talk.

She chatters away,

And I’m surprised.

To see her this way,

And I'm not despised.

Take her to,

The place where I kill.

A terror begins to go through,

As she starts to shrill.

I’m just joking,

You young teenager.

She laughs so much she starts chocking,

Now we're no longer strangers.

She tells me stories,

Of when she was young.

Past defeats and past glories,

Past loves and old songs sung.

We head on over,

To the Banana Tree Garden.

Sitting down; not rolling over,

Discussing things without pardon.

After a while.

We head on home.

It is not even a mile,

Later I call her up on the phone.

We decide to go,

To a rock concert.

Later she will show,

At my door and totally alert.

My dad drives us,

To Old Town Spring.

Making no fuss,

As he telling us the old flings.

The girl and I,

Are in the backseat.

Our hands getting closer,

Until finally they meet.

We're both shocked,

And we're both glad.

Closer together we talk,

As we waved off my dad.

We he to the back,

Of the rock concert place.

We sit and lean our backs,

By the exit to this place.

We talk and chat,

About things we never did.

Sitting there as we sat,

Watching the neighborhood kids.

I admit I never,

Kissed a girl before.

And being so clever,

She leans over.

I sort of turn away,

But my feelings bet the best of me

Last for an eternity or so it may,

I’m feeling really happy.

I asked if that was right

She said it was

I'll never forget that night,

Up my spine, I feel a fuzz.

Later and later,

As the night goes on.

I don’t know if I made her,

Grow of me unfond.

She says lets be friends,

And I leave it at that.

Maybe another day my amends,

Will once again be up at bat.

Maybe someday,

We’ll kiss again.

I'll find a way,

For us to do that again.

No kiss I see,

In real life or T.V.,

Will bring me back to the night,

You first put your lips on me.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

My first kiss poem. November 15, 2002 the girl was margret Hill. the girl next door

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Sally's picture


this seriously sounds like an awesome movie-like picture...

a definite classic, it made me cry. something my grandma would love. (lol that's a compliment)

Tiffany Noviski's picture

That's so sweet and so sad!!! *tear*