
Caught in a never-ending cycle, the mediator, this is my life.
Conciliating between kindred and kinfolk, I am the body that catches the knife.
My world is a labyrinth, there's a new struggle at every turn.
It's hard to use others as examples when you have to feel in order to learn.
Never using force to intervene, not even malice can comfort this pain.
The punishment for stepping in...alone and sullen, left to wander in the rain.
It seems there is no place for me, I cannot help them find the truth.
Failed attempts at mending the wounds, I know now that I have no use.

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SpecialSense's picture

This is just so gorgeous.

This is just so gorgeous.

LovingLovelace's picture

This....... just so easy to

This....... just so easy to connect with. In a way it seems, almost fairytale-like and maybe that is where I connect to it. I am sorry if that made no sense at all.

Beautifully written.


If your mirror doesn't find you one of the most beautiful people it has ever seen, punch it and find a better mirror.