Night music

listen to the sounds of the night
ahh how beautiful they are
the wolves as they howl to a tune unknown to man
the moon as it causes a whistle
while controling tides upon its very permissal
the trees as the winds breeze
makes a crackling like drums
as it seems
the raccoons scraping up a barrel
making screeches at food thats been unravelled
the seas crashing to shore
the owls wings as it prepares to soar
beating symbols as it nests above us all
ahhh and the bats
the sound they make as they feast upon rats
sounds like a masterpiece theatre work of art in fact
the black clouds as they create the thunder
crackling lights of the moon as we sit and wonder
adn the sounds of the retreat of the swan
when night comes they flap their wings
and poof a bass that they choose to run to and be gone
what a band of beauty these nightly sounds make
i bob my head everynight to these
as the day beings shake afraid to be pray

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Imprinted-soul's picture

Absolutely beautiful:) This

Absolutely beautiful:) This peice simply took me to a very lovely place! Amazing work!!

IamWhoIam's picture

thank u very much =] i

thank u very much =] i appreciate it greatly