just what i need?

sometimes i think this will end as fast as it began

that we will go right back to how it was before

and you won't find it important enough to look back

sometimes i wish we could pause right now, when it's still new

and we aren't looking for something that's not there

pause it and come back to it later

will our time away change things

will you forget about me because you can't see me

what if you forget what we are slowly creating

did i give myself enough time

to not take on what i can't handle

what we have is good

i can feel but i'm reminded of before

i'm not going to lose myself

once i do that my life is no longer mine

and i've forgotten who I am

maybe you are just what i need

Author's Notes/Comments: 


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mary*'s picture

i think its a good thing.. and i think you're right.

jb's picture

i like it!