Summer Again

I remember when I'd make plans

put on my jeans, and a fake smile

and try so hard to act like everything was absolutely and perfectly fine

All I'd do is sit, stare, quiet

with a huge void inside

Then I'd get home

and wonder why I had gone out at all

Because I always hoped that each time would be different and I'd snap out of this feeling

But all summer long it never once went away

I went out because I wanted someone to notice that I was feeling less than adequate

but once someone did

I'd back away again

I'm not even sure what I wanted them to do for me

I wanted them to know

but then I didn't

because I didn't want people to know what I was thinking

cause then they would know what was affecting me

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mary's picture

I like it, and honestly I'd like to think I helped you have a little bit better of a summer... but maybe I just made it worse... anyway.. I really like this one.