
I'm a hypocrite

I give you advice that even I wouldn't take

and I expect you to

I wouldn't tell them either

because I don't want them to think they failed or did a bad job

They live in a world where I am fine

and although that may not necessarily be true

I want it to stay that way

Yeah I got better

but don't let that deceive you

because I am still self-conscious, and sad, and I still cry

I will never be totally empty of these emotions that I'd so much love to toss out an open car window

Author's Notes/Comments: 

"She keeps running into herself, hoping to find somebody else, she keeps running into herself, hoping to find somebody better." -Plumb

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joslin's picture

everyone is a hypocrite, some are just more obvious.

mary*'s picture

i like it... and even though you think you're a hypocrite, i appreciate the talking. and what is that song??? i like that quote.