The Mirror Doesn't Lie

You tell me I'm beautiful

I hear the words

but I look in the mirror and I don't see it

I'll never see what you see

You tell me you love my hands

I hear the words

but I look down at them and think, "These old things?"

and I don't see it

You love the eyes I hate

I wish I could see what you see

even though you never hesitate to say the nicest things to me every chance you get

I believe your sincerity

But I don't trust what I see in the mirror

because the mirror doesn't lie

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Rebecca Moore's picture

Been there
Done that
Got the T-shirt
But, not many people saying those things...

mary*'s picture

If I could write.. I would have written the exact same thing. Jacque.. I know exactly how you feel, now you know how I feel each time someone tries to contradict what I say about myself. Even though I know it won't change the way you think... YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL... please listen to what you are being told by whoever tells it to you. love you.. and love the poem.

Heather Kadiuraus's picture

I can relate to this poem so much because my boyfriend always tells me how beautiful I am and how much he loves my body but he doesn't see what I see. I see something totally different and I wish he could understand that. Great Poem!!! Always keep writing!!!