Saved by the Bell


surrounded by laughs you don't recognize

faces you don't know

no one

saving you a seat

calling you over

wanting to tell you a story

spaces between seats because most know no one

can't strike up a conversation because i don't know them like i know you

informal small talk

because deep conversations don't exist

some seem to have connections

i seem to have nothing

Author's Notes/Comments:

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Beth Maggard's picture

holy cow, i love this one. wish i had seen it earlier, definitely beginning of the year, summed up in poem form.

mary's picture

I like this a lot jack... i definitely know what you are feeling, its weird coming to a place where you aren't recognized like we were at good ol STA! It's still a little uncomfortable.. you know being here and not there! Love it jacque!

Allison Carr's picture

jack attack is my hero.
she is cooler than emperor nero.
yes jack attack is the best.
she is a better poet than all the rest!

i LOVE LOVE LOVE your writing honey. you are amazing.
i know EXACTLY what you are talking about here. you captured it SO SO SO SO SO well.
ps. i'm glad we do this...reading each other's stuff. it's fun.