

Often, I feel like resting my head

(and crying)
on a thoughtful woman chest
then just  fall into sleep (surrender).

There are loads of naked chests
But not the type
that like to be cleansed by clean tears

There are roads leading to roads
along them,
If you stroll as I did

You would feel divided.
with feelings your head would be crowded

you would wish
they soon vanish ….
get buried in the basement of subconscious

as you bury your head beneath a pillow
trying to enjoy a break
to get up tomorrow

(the future yesterday)
feeling yesternight buried feelings

filling the floors of your mind
then, in a search for equilibrium,
you compensate yourself
with a strong cup of coffee
a cigarette
but you get dominated by a sudden tempting thought


, like a crazy ox,

makes you run in the roads again

recycling same old pattern
Insisting to engrave your point in the forehead of time
Insisting that life must, to you, finally submit



before modification:



often I feel like crying
On a thoughtful woman chest
Before I go to sleep
here,there are many naked chests
But not the type
That like to be cleansed by clean tears
There are also many avenues
along them
I strolled drunk
Moreover, there are crowded feelings

that you wish
may vanish ….
get buried in the basement of subconscious

then bury your head below a pillow
go to sleep
to wake up next morning (the future yesterday)
to feel them filling the floors of your mind
but you fail to find you
then you compensate yourself
with a strong cup of coffee
a cigarette
and a thought that will make you
run forever like
a crazy ox
Insisting to engrave your point in the forehead of time
Insisting that life must eventually submit

Istanbul, Tuesday, 31 august 2010


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