Dr. Critic Killjoy

kick a poet down before he or she is dead
look at all their grammatical errors & failures
never look at the beauty inside
think of wrecking their charm
take the smile away from their faces
insist that they wear the ball & chains of regret
can't live up to their perfect standard of living
piss all over their honesty and crap upon their smile
knowing all the great while you need to rip them to shreds even further
take away their honesty & sullen brevity
why does one equate logical persuasion for fear
shed a single tear to numb its inner pain
follow them down to the pit of their inner torment & misery
long viscous fangs dripping blood off side
blackened hearts with no love
Critical asses with no free passes
no second chances toward advances
in this place of misery and doom
now go clean your room
take a crap in their urinal
no excuses for their actions
for they are perfect always correct
leave them in the corner of affliction with no clothes on without any song
fondle their breasts and butter their toasts with an explosion inside
bury them upside down so the entire world can kiss their ass

Morningglory's picture


This kinda made me chuckle. 

Copyright © morningglory