Inner Child

There’s and inner me trying to get out, the one who sees no wrong and is lied to

The times that pass the memories on the wall, no mentions of tomorrow

I saw the night and dreamt of a day, now alone I sit with the child I became

An inner me you know, not to mention the outer hatred of who I am

I have become a man with soul not here, and a mind that travels far to another

There was you once, a calm collect child, a dreamer of sorts of who we could be

Where did you go?  Have you left the side of the one you care for?  Are you really gone?

No trace of a struggle, no note saying you’re leaving, just an empty spot in my heart

I have not heard words so cruel as to hear the emptiness of such a loud goodbye

No longer to embrace the arms of one so warm to the touch, a cold hand now caresses me

I have hate in my heart once again, a man to walk these lives we live on a journey

A travel to be taken long and disturbed of memories, nothing more than a death waiting

I head to the end of my days to find the beginning of yesterday, a repeat of a true love

Never was there such a night, not one minute of dissatisfied emotions, we truly loved

You held me as I held you, in arms so full of reality we never dreamt what could be

I have a child now, born out of love and living out of disgust, a man to be feared

He has no real care for this world; he seeks to find his lost and loved one

Never to have met her he cries tears of empty shells, no desires within his soul

This my child is the world, the way we live and the only true way to die is to love

No one cares for you as I have, and no one will hate you for you bring truth in spirit

Look to me and you shall see, the face a woman is not to turn away from, a fear of reality

You know where you belong, you know t he destiny that awaits, see now your not wanted

For you have taken away the only love known, this child no longer has a need for you

He walks and stands alone, feeds his desires, and faces the world to conquer all that come

No is this world, he sees where he goes and will be there at the end a child born again.

October 2, 2004

Copyright © 2004 Hector J Alvarez

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