
I have battles in my heart, conquering to achieve of worlds unseen.

Many times I sit and don’t know where to look, how to react to sacrifices made

I have fought the evils of lies and deceit, the unfair treatment of lovers’ discreet secrets

You bring to me this torment in my mind, a story so cold and sorrowful that it tears me

Stop believing the war is a simple game of words, a torturous ordeal with moves of hate

I have stopped believing the truth, no longer bound by what my past shows to be real

I walk to new lands and make my own place of rest, to forget what you gave me

Step aside and let me come through, do not reject that which you once felt

Times have changed, colors are now so much more brighter you have no where to run

As we tend to forget what we painted, we also remember what we once had

Frightened to care and love, it is so deeply rooted in my soul to hate and neglect

I look in eyes and wander to other places, no longer staying to see beauty sweetly

You took from me a piece of what makes me complete, I no longer live for I die everyday

Torn between the destiny I once felt, and the future I am forced to seek

Jabs thrown to all areas of my body, destroying me little by little and making me weak

No more tears, no more of what I feel inside, take it all and make me sleep forever

As I lay here looking to the heavens of my father, I ask he forgives me for the hate I have

Destroy my own life! Take away the fears and blackness within me

Strike with one blow upon the soul of unwilling life; I end the torment of my own desires

Walk to the end of the road of life to see the past diminish and the future never begin

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