The sun rises, another day dawns. Same as yesterday.
Nothing to look forward to. Another day of desolation.
Nothing on their agenda. This must change.

  New priorities must be set. If a peaceful existance
is to had in this world. It must start with a new
generation of children.

   They need to be up early each morning, after a well
rested night, preparing for their school day. A well
balanced breakfast, prehaps a school uniform for each
child. When produced in mass quanity is very affordable.
   Off to school each day, being properly trained. Their
agenda, peace is good, war is bad. There must be a new
mind set.Trained by proper teachers.
   Education is the key to peace and harmony. The better
educated our children are, the more chance peace has to
   One might say this is impossible, however it is very
possible. Invision, the heads of each goverment taking
an interest in our children.Their agenda,every child will
be properly fed, clothed, and educated. When this happens,
new societies will begin to emerge. A peaceful co-
existance will happen. When the children are properly taken
care of, God will smile, and say "I am proud of my creation".


copyright by heather burns

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vilmazab's picture

I think next time, you should write in an essay form, you've got it girl, this came out very educational and enlightening, very well written indeed...