
Heather Fletcher (Edgecomb)

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Waterbury, CT

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

Let me introduce myself 2 u. My name is Heather. I'm 29. I'm from Waterbury CT, My Heritage: Native American, Dutch, Scottish, Irish, French & Spanish I'm 4'11 225 lbs, graduated h/s, brown eyes & dirty blond hair but i color it all the time... very serious, confident, smart, honest, kind, loyal, sociable, sensitive, gentle, romantic, understanding & very trustworthy, independent.. I have a passion for everything. I am Outgoing, I tend to be selfish at most times.. i am Shy & private, happy go lucky i am a light sleeper I can give good advice, i can be friendly & social-able, i am also humble & i also stay to myself. but i am naturally defensive, i tend to bottle things up. Pretty as well stay to myself. I like meet the new people & I'm a drug free person, i also don't like drama, my favorite things I like swimming in the summer especially @ a beach & i also love to travel & i also like to write poems and letters if you notices that i have posted a lot of them at the same time, please know i keep them either on my computer or in my phone, i hardly come up here but when i do i just post them when i can.... i hope you do enjoy my writing and please comment on them let me know what you think.... I smoke cigarettes regularly & I love chocolates, its my weakness & I love hot coffee ( light & sweet) & I do have a BAD temper, & I'm thankful that only a handful of people have ever seen it, I'm a nice person if u treat me w/ respect. I'm really not a people person. I know who my real friends are. & I love writing good & not so good things about my life. Which I hope people don't judge me bcuz of the things I have been through, & also I'm looking for new friends so if u want to plz write me & ur more & welcome to..

About My Navel

This isn't about any kind of Navel: This is about a man who I happen to fall in love with when I was 15 years old. (My first High school crush you may say)
I am in a relationship with my best friend from high school after 14 years of being separated from one another it's a long story, when I was in H/S I was having a lot of problems & Alfred had befriended me back in 2001- 2002 in 9th grade. One day after 6 months of friendship I happen to tell him how I truly felt about him but at the same time I left my main high school because of the problems I was having due to dealing with the fights & the threats on my life, SO I had to a different school which I finish in 2 years instead of doing the full 4years that I was suppose too. Anyway I never got to find out how he really felt about me & I was heart broken I really missed him a lot, so much that I would cry for months on end. & my parents they didn’t understand about how a 15yr old girl could ever have so much feeling for this one boy, they kept telling you'll find someone better, don't be stupid grow up you got better things to do then cry over a boy. So I finally just numb up & move on with my life, went through hell & back with relationships I had two really abusive relationships. I was a mess I tried to deal with my problems & move forward with my life. For about 14 years later my brother / roommate / high school best friend told me that he had found Alfred on FB on his friends you may know list so he add him up & about a month later I add Alfred up just to check up on him to see how he was doing since I haven’t seen him or know anything that had happen to him, we started talking catching up on old times & also talking about how our lives had became through out the years (I totally forgot all about us after years went on) but he turn around & ask me do you remember when you told me how you felt about me back in 9th grade. I was impressed that he still remembers after all these years; 14yrs of not seeing each other I was really impressed. I couldn’t believe he still remember after all that time. But I am glad that he did, because we started talk about give it a shot together & we’ve been together now for about a month he asked me out on February, 14th 2016 & I couldn’t be any happier. He is a Dream come true. It feels like I fell in love with my High school crush all over again. What really stock me the most is I told my parents about him & if they remember what they told me & they were totally in shock that after 14 years Alfred & me would reunite once again & pick up where we used of been from the beginning. My parents are so happy for me & they welcome him in to our family. & Since we’ve been together we have dealt with a lot so far & we are still standing strong. And I really like this saying because it really truly means us in all the sense of the word. The couples that are meant to be together are the ones that go through everything that’s designed to tear them apart but instead they come out even stronger than they were before & I believe that is true to be honest. When I look into his hazel eyes I just melt, it's like falling in love all over again his smile is a killer that I can’t seem to get enough. He is a blessing to me and I am grateful for all of his love…

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8 years 12 weeks