
Sit. Sit.

Tick. Tick.

Goes the world

And my mind

The organic vegetable

Why is I cannot escape?

My essence is still left

Shadows cast and shadows move

Shit. Shit.

Tick. Tick.

There is only me left

And my mochaistic mind

Tiny thiny fragments

Towering tall targets

Trying to over power

this motto, this rhyme

Shit. Shit.

Tick. Tick.

Can't even speak when

You look me in the eye

You know I'm dying

Just like this time

Slip. Slip.

Tick. Tick.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

kinda obvious it's one of my *sleepless nights again*. Not being able to sleep!!.....zzzzzzzzzz

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Hayley, I like it a lot! There's something so REAL about it. Good rhythm too...kinda like the ticking of endless hours on a clock, lol. Good work.
