
“You can do it!

Just set that goal!

Keep your head up,

And strong in the stroll!”

That’s what I hear,

Nearly all the time,

When I have something,

I’m battling to climb.

But I’m beginning to wonder,

The capability of me.

Can I really do these things,

That so many others see?

How can I be,

Something so great?

When will I see?

Will it be too late?

Because I’m sitting here now.

Tears trailing my cheeks,

Wondering if I can do it,

With doubt hitting the peaks.

Can I do it?

Can I succeed?

In all I set myself,

And want to exceed?

I’m feeling too worn out,

To keep on going.

To strive for the greatness,

That I’m apparently showing.

That others praise so much.

How they tell me they’re proud.

So many people say it.

With me left out of the crowd.

I can’t see it in myself.

And it makes me doubt,

Of these seeming talents

That y’all talk about.

I just want to know,

What is it about me,

That makes me so successful

And why is it I can’t see?

Inspired by: My parents and self doubt

Created on: June 7, 2008 – 0424

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