Final Goodbye

old shit

Trapped in this life,Blinded by lies

Zombie as my only disguise

Shattered dreams,Innocence shed

Darkened blood,Barely bled

In this nightmare,Can't seem to uphold

Story unwinds,Destiny unfolds

Hatred,Powers my bitter soul

Pain,Fills this empty hole

Forgotten thoughts,Locked deep insde

Memories lost,Your world collide

Grasp,Needle in my hand,Waiting for the tune

Blood shot eyes,Pop the balloon

Hatred,Powers my bitter soul

Pain,Fills this empty hole

Jabbed,Thorn in my spine

Waiting patiently in this line

To earth I fell,With dripping wings

Tattered,Abused,Stupid things

Stricken with blood,To heavy to fly

Take me now,This is my final goodbye

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I can feel your pain with every word that I read and I can only encourage u to keep writing. It sorts of releases you on the inside as u try to pen what you feel. This is a very, very deep poem that speaks of a pain that goes farther than words, but in truth...there is always a cure for pain. We just have to find it.