To Hold a True Love’s Heart

Cause a spark flying around the world of love,

To feel the healing of wounded scars;

The past has long been forgiven, unforgotten.

Stay and walk with courage and faith,

Press on, amidst disconcerting moments

Of failures, frustrations and disappointments;

Far too many hiccups over expectations, unmet;

The love of two souls does stretch eternity.

It is indefinite, yet, absolute, no matter what.

Nourish it with mutual needs

To unleash desires

From dawn of day till sunrise bursts.

Walk in the moonlight

Talk in your dreams

While the night still covers with darkness.

Love is oblivious from the world

To hold a true love’s heart!

Copyright@greenmeadow, 22 October 2007

QH NSW, Australia

Author's Notes/Comments: 

~Written in April, when my mood suited my imagination struck out of emptiness.~

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