
Lost Writes (2003)

"Why do we write

To sickly record every tear that we shed?

Why do we cite

The thoughts and ideas that make us feel dead?"

Writing is bitter sensation.

A way for the hole in our souls

To achieve maximum exploitation.

Writing is mental masturbation.

We get off on our thoughts

And pour out imaginations.

Writing quite simply, is fighting.

A constant struggle with our minds.

Hearts and empty pens colliding.

Writing still, becomes serene.

Leaving us in silent breath

And reflecting what we've seen.

Writing is a way of hang gliding

Through our skies of sensuality

And searching mental clouds for something hiding.

Writing is our thoughts split into lines

In ways to reassess the mind

And untangle its endless vines.

Mine is often grouped in three

To represent Hatred, Self-Exploration

And at inopportune times, Glee.

"Writing saves us.

Takes our fragile, fickle hells.

And paves us

Ways to discover ourselves."

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