Automatic Thoughts

These are some of the things that constantly go through my mind during any given situation.  My social anxiety is getting out of control.

-If I don't stick to the diet I am weak, and if I am weak I am worthless

- I am disgusting

- I am ugly

- Everyone hates me

- I don't deserve any good that comes my way

- I try my hardest/best and that is still not good enough

- I can't speak my mind

-I lie because I don't think people will accept the truth

- I can't look people in the eye

- I don't think I will ever be outgoing

- I am so ashamed

- People think that I am getting better (some of the times) but I am not

- I am selfish and self centered

- I don't care about some things and people will hate me because of that

- I am a failure

- I can't do anything right

- I've made so many mistakes, if I make one more I am fucked

- If something goes wrong, I am to blame

- I am stupid

- I will always be alone

- There will always be someone better

- I have hurt almost everyone I have cared about

- I whine too much, and that makes everyone leave

- I have no friends in RL at the moment (besides my bf but its LD)

- she (any she) is prettier.

- I am a burden to people

- I am a bother.

- I am so indescisive.

- I cannot make up my mind

- I have no self concsious

-I act on impulses without thought of consequences

-I am too shy for my own good

- I dont think I'll ever overcome my SA

- I dont think I'll ever get over my depression either.

- I feel pretty hopeless at the moment

- I must have approval from others or I feel I am wrong

- I am fake

- I should not need help, ever, if I do I am weak

- I am unreliable

- I don't feel I have a purpose

- I can't accomplish my goals

- I give up too easily

- I feel naseous all the time from the anxiety

- I do everything wrong

- People are watching me constantly

- I can't go back to college because of my SA

- I can't get a job because of my SA

- I've lost my mind/sanity

There are many more but those are from the top of my head.  My social anxiety is getting worse.  I can't leave the house without feeling anxious.  Especially with the new neighbors.  

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"Guide your heart with all diligence,for out of it are the issues of life", so says the holy writ,seek the master key.