Watching you retreat

January 2007

Watching you as you retreat towards the door.  

You don't look back to see me lying on the floor.  

You don't notice all the tears being shed.  

Nor have you noticed that for you I have bled.

I wanted you to love me, so how come I am not able to have that desire filled?  

I wanted to feel alive instead of feeling as if something inside of me has been killed.  

I wanted you to know me, I really did.  

But instead, behind my deadly addictions I hid.

Can my empty heart be salvaged, can the beast in me be saved?  

Can I fill the hunger in my soul, Can I find what it has craved?  

Dying only to feel alive, instead of just trying to merely survive.  

Trying my hardest to do my best coming out feeling worse than all the rest

I wanted love to finally find me, I searched so long and hard.  

I wanted to be deserving but I realize I continued to hold up my guard.

Needed to protect all that I had, no wonder I felt so lonely and sad.

I said no to your friendly invitation, locking myself up in disasterous suffocation.  

Can I start over, can I begin again?

Can I find a reason to go on living?

Once I had eyes that had a fulfilling glow.

Now sadness is the only thing my eyes ever dare to show

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Essence Scott's picture

once again...reminds me of that bastard sean...i really want to forget him...and i cant, because hes presence taking...i want love to find me too, but i wish...that people wont look at me like im a fucking freak in the halls i your inspiration for your work?