When I am Gone

December 2006

A brand new set of scars to try and hide

because of the shame they must be covered

Thought I was doing better

but now all i feel is emptiness inside

Can't go a day or more without that release

Along the lines my hearts been creased

One day feeling so great,

The next feeling like complete and utter dirt

Think I am strong

For all the pain I have been dealt

When I have been on the edge all along

Ready to give in and jump off

You look into my eyes

and tell me all of these lies

You see something great

That would be my mask, my disguise

For if you were to really look,

You would be mistaken and shook

You would see a girl too far gone

A girl in too much pain to go on

I don't believe that there is salvation

I know for a fact that I can't be saved

So why does everyone feed me false hope

That there will once be better days

I doubt that I will ever stop this harm

It is what keeps me alive, in a fucked up way

Maybe I am psycho, maybe I am naive

But there is nothing left for me to believe

I should have ended it all long ago

But I wanted to find out if there was any hope

All along hiding the scars so nobody would know

It was the only way I knew how to cope

It all started with one little scratch,

and one little lie

It become something bigger than I could handle

Everyday as I continued wanting to die

I knew that I should,

Because I knew it wouldnt get better

I was running on empty

and about ready to jump off the edge

But then one day, someone came along

He showed me love, gave me reason to go on

He was the reason my heart kept on beating

but something happened....

Something triggered inside my head

Even though he's there for me always,

I would still rather be dead

and all I do is wonder why

Am I scared of getting to close

Letting myself go, and letting someone see the real me inside

Surely if he were to see all my scars

He would run the other way

So here I pause at the same exact spot where I was just at.

Screaming out in rage and fear

Suicidle dreams and waking in tears

Wondering if this will ever end

But I know that it never will.

I will just keep longing for another cut

Another slash.

Another reason to feel I am just a worthless piece of trash.  

and the tears overflow endlessly.

Is that how you will remember me

When I am long gone

When I am ...


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Britta Thurman's picture

wow this is so powerful! i really like it. good job