
I often think of my life as an hourglass.

The sand being the moments that make it up

The three legs acting as the stages of my life

All three legs are of equal proportions

They have to be

Or else my hourglass may topple over and shatter.

Then what?

If it breaks do I get a new hourglass?

Or will I simply cease to exist?

Will my sand be swept away into a new world?

Or vacuumed up and thrown away?

I suppose that would depend on your religion

Or lack thereof.

I highly doubt that material possessions will matter

As much as our actions taken.

My choices determine the grit of my sand

My persistence molded the bulbs.

My knowledge whittled the legs.

It still concerns me though

I have no clue how big the connecting tube is

Or how fine my choices have made the sand.


I imagine, in time, I shall find out.

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Incompl's picture

Will my sand be swept away

Will my sand be swept away into a new world?

Or vacuumed up and thrown away?

I suppose that would depend on your religion

Or lack thereof.

Wonderful lines! 

Let your teeth show

GodAmongPoets's picture

Thank you very much

Thank you very much