A ha!  A brand new notebook but I don’t have anything brand new to say or write.  I’ll just have to rehash the old thoughts and maybe try to express them in some new way.  There’s gotta be something new in the world.  This state of inertia is driving me insane.  A walk to the post office is excitement at this stage in the game.  I know I won’t see Bukowski but I might have to duck bullets.  Of course, the bullets are also flying freely at schools these days.  It seems everyone wants to be some kind of Bizzarro John Wayne these days.

bad postal exchange

bullets flying everywhere

cowards ducking fast


Shoot first; ask questions later but there’s not much thought as to the anguish of the lambs.  The Blakean motif could come in handy down the line.  While there’s no such thing as an innocent person there are those who don’t deserve to be gunned down in flames by anal retentive fools whose minds have been twisted by religious and political propaganda.  Well introductory politics are not in vogue.  I could write a poem called “Bizzarro John Wayne” and see how it flies.  That’ll be my contribution to our malaise. . .

Bizzarro John Wayne

It didn't happen that way

lied about that too



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