If you see her

If you see her

if you see

you tell her

I still love her.

If you see

her I still

miss her.

I watch the

love we still

had was still there.

If you see

her let her

know she was

the reason I

did not give

up on love.

If you see

her tell her

I want to

be with her.

If you see

her tell her

I hope she

find real love.

If you see

her if you

only see her.

-Gene Conner

January 13, 2006

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Michael Brotherton's picture

Nice poem, i can relate to it. Believe me i feel the same

itsmesowhatofit's picture

I have definitely been there, if only I could see "her' again, only for me, she got married, so seeing her would break my heart more, what a paradox! Thanks, this poem is great!