Love's Prayer

God give me the patience to understand the man in my life.

Give me the intuition to know if this is right.

Let it be revealed if what I feel in my heart is real.

Send me a sign from above if this truly is love.

I want him so much to be a constant in my life.

I want some day for us to be man and wife.

I feel like finally my children have

A man in their life who cares.

Someone they can depend on

Someone, with whom the burdens I can share.

If he is who you’ve destined

For me please let me know.

Show me how to be patient and love him

Help us, together to grow.

Help us to work towards goals for you

So spiritually, we will progress.

Help us in our daily life,

So continually we’ll be blessed.

But if he’s not the one I’ll spend forever with

Please Lord let me know.

So my heart can be straightened out

To let these feelings go.

Without pain, or hurt, or disappointment

Loves torment, bring to an end.

So I can some how hold onto myself

And strengthen our relationship as Friends.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Dedicated to the man I Love

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