her kisses kisses kisses

put in debbie

sometimes when you get so celibate

the kiss of death

in a gangster movie

is erotic

let me be the first to say

let me be the first to say

her lips are full and wonderful

wouldn't it be funny

if a funeral procession

went through wendy's

her kisses kisses kisses

it has bee a long time

since someone has found

me desirable

i'm trying to enjoy it

with out losing touch

with reality because of it

i wish i knew all the words

to louie louie

i'm hard core

when i lay my head

on her shoulder

against her leather

i find romance

today i danced

with an old black woman

while i pretended i was james brown

i'm american

believing too much

in gold and freedom

her kisses kisses kisses

i think you know what i mean

deep touches

i stroke her like

the bosses pet

but i'm not the biggest back stabber

in the office

making love to her is the labyrinth

you get lost in

and the poppy field

you fall asleep with

like a dream of the senses

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