Inspired to Find Inspiration

There's so much to write, so much to say,
So much that can't wait just one more day.
How will you know what I can't express?
How will I ever make fresh progress?

There are so many poems, so many books,
I want to write my own, not just look.
But there's nothing here, nothing to inspire.
My heart's gone cold, I've lost my fire.

Now what I write is so boring and bland.
I wish I could still dream of those distant lands.
Words used to run like plays through my mind,
Now they're all gone, the tape won't rewind.

Hopefully the fall will bring me to my knees,
Maybe the colors will appease my pleas.
Hopefully my mind will remember those days
When the leaves would fall and my mind would play.

But for now my words are as bland as this summer,
Which actually isn't bland, so maybe I'm dumber
From this lack of a life, from the lack of classes.
Hopefully I come back when this and time passes.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this once when I was in a severe drought of creativity. I hoped it would inspire ideas for more poetry, but I ended up not writing for a year afterwards. Now here we are. :)

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Love it! I feel your pain! One of my favorite topics!