Red Roses, Red Roses


Red Roses,

Red Roses was all that she needed

She left us to bear in the strength of our grievances

Green eyes,

Cloaking red hoodie

She begged,

She pleaded,

For where ever she was going...

Red Roses was all that she needed

She left us,

To go,

To travel,

Long and far away

Through city,

Through country,

Through state,

She did not eat,

She did not drink,

She did not rest nor stop to think

Through storm,

Through wind,

Through heat and cold,

Through land, water, ice, or volcano

Dark nights,

Day's light

Smiling onward, carrying her enormous red rose bouquet

Where ever she was going,

Nothing had stopped her,

She left us to wander,

To saunter,

She left us to wonder,

Wonder where she was going?

Wonder will she be back?

And why now?

Why red roses?

She never called,

She never wrote,

Months passed...

We dismissed that she was ever coming back

She was gone,

Gone forever,

Forever lost, in a world amongst the red roses

The New Year had come,

We decided best not to think of her

A few more New Year's came...

We forgot about her

It was better this way

She was left no where, anymore, to dwell in our minds

Time spun the clock of Life away.....

It had been 50 years and already, today, the coming New Year

Most of us are still alive and most of us have perished

We all knew these were things to come, but none of us expected,

That answering a knock at the door would open up our eyes to 50 years before...

There she was!

Cloaking red hoodie, now tattered and soiled,

Green eyes, bright and yearning,

Her face, aged and worn,

But she had come back!

And there we were

All disbelieving

Before words were said,

Before we could either moodily state

Standing tall,

Standing straight

She held out a red rose

Her very, very last red rose

And with her very, very last breath

She left us,


Her death to us was stunning

Her last word,


Just as the first,

"Red Roses are all that I need."

And why red roses?

What had become of all the rest of them?

Forgotten, yet she didn't us

With her very last red rose in hand, we attended her funeral out of deep distraught

Among us attending, was out of this world

Literally, a vast domain of people from every inch and corner of the globe!

Different people

Of every color, texture, shape, size

Different nations

Of every religion, government, social back round, and tribe

Different ages

The young, the old, the dying, and just born

The places she went to..

Never tiring,

Never stopping,

Unselfishly fulfilling purpose

She left us,


Each and every single person in the world,

"Peace" and a red rose

She left us,


At ourselves for forgetting,

Forgetting "Peace" is what brought us here together

Left us together

To bear in the strength of our grievances

Forgotten, yet did not forget us

One World,

Our petty selves brought together

By just one word...

We gave back

Everyone, together, lined up at her grave

We each left a red rose

In remembrance of her

How she and how her red roses had taught the world,

"Peace" is still here, always there,

All that We Need

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Hippie Cliche

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