rain is falling

Love is in the air

We couldn't watch the sun rise

Or hear the nightengale's last cries,

For my love is in the air

Stolen from the morning,

Shuddering inthe sky,

Love is in the air

Over seas, across trees

Wondering where we'll land

When next shall I hold his hand...

Love is flying high

And the sound of dripping sorrow

Fills my empty bathtub

Where we last washed our sin...

Love is in the air

The muffled groans of machines

The muffled cries of crumpled dreams

Falls like rain and debris.

My love is in the air

The triumph of my heart is stifled

I curl in bed alone

With his smell on my sheets,

Our innocent retreats,

To cry the tears of thousands

Of Kisses...

Where his lips no longer touch mine

Where his hips no longer join mine

Where I can cry

And for shame he cannot hear me-

For my love is in the air,

Over seas over trees

Over millions of other dreams

And dreamers...

When next shall I hold his hand?

Teardrops count like grains of sand.

Love is in the air

Where will it land?

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