stapled pockets

there are mornings you wake up

and the world seems right in your head

then you try to move about

and you remeber what was said

that heavy heart presents a weight

you battle thru the day

the endless task to keep your face

from falling all away

when you realize that all around you

thinks (as always) you're okay

and only you know what troubles ache inside you

that tempts you to stray

the un-enchanted aura

that bubbles in your sphere

creating a dismal monster

whose growls only you can hear

everyone thinks that it's flu

a summer bug that bothers you

you fight the tears

frustration brings to you

a desperation for pure survival

buries thoughts that abound

but sooner than you think it's done

that monster comes around

he question "why?" means nothing new

the answer is not there

it's just a scar that you live with

that acts up most every day

shield yourself so that nothing more

can damage your worn brain

you'll run, you'll hide, you'll anything,

to make sure you stay sane

because when the scotch tape on your heart

begins to peel away

you'll have to fix it on your own

to make sure it will stay

'cause no one knows how you keep alive

with paperclips and glue

this smashed up broken heart-like thing,

is all that's left of you...

it's all that's left of you.

Author's Notes/Comments: 


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