

trapped inside

my own dark mind

so lost

in the music

is it the music

is it my mind

is it the lies

watch as i die

songs about depression

suicidal singers

telling me its ok

"i flirt with suicide

sometimes, kill the pain"

disturbing sounds

lyrics that say im ok

most tell a story

of a disturbing world

a world much like mine

songs of storms

screams and tears

locked in my room

"bruises fade

but the pain remains the same"

how true it all seems

how real its becoming

now the tears

from these sad sad songs

are staining my freckled face

and now the scars

from those haunting lives

im finding on my own skin

not to be erased

i wear them proudly

so they wont forget

if i turned to you

would you turn away?

would you

touch me

heal me

love me

or would you

break me

hurt me

kill me

what if you're the one

what if you're not

lights have gone out

the darkness torments my mind

the shadows playing tricks on me

im terrified

of you..

of me..

of this hell which seems to consume me

dont leave me alone

it only gets worse

ive been here before

"all my bones and joints are sore"

a single laugh

would escape

if only i knew how

seems ive forgotten

i've lost everything

except you

so come with me

i cant stay here

would you leave it all

im leaving it all

theres room for two in my life

help me find me again

no more games

just me.

and you.

can you handle that?

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Mel Martin's picture

that was really good...i know the feeling...its hard to describe, but this poem describes it perfectly...