First Few Pages

As the first few pages turn, the reader becomes uninterested.  Slowly puts the book to his lap, while on the brink of a decision. It turns for my worst because I am a different book then the rest.  It’s filled with imagination and joy, so much you become consumed by it, but it’s to the point where it becomes a fantasy for the other person reading about who I am and what I’m all about.  They don’t know this is real because they see in different colors and the title is faded in their eyes. They become scared even though it’s not a horror book, they just can’t find an open door in their heart right now to be brave and take a chance to overcome fear. They have no idea that this is it. This is the chance of a life time, not just to answer the many questions from the text, but to also share the author that I have.  They can be that one book on the shelf, filled with wonders beyond imagination and people could be reading it and with high hopes you can pray they finish that book just like I am praying for you now.  You can pray they will have an author. You can pray that they pick up that book again, read a little more, and then get hit with interest and love for it. Just a few more pages and I will be happy, not just because you read a little more, but that you even considered it.

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Ruth Lovejoy's picture

very interesting, I like your concept, I tend to ready first stanzas of things if it catches me I read further if not I go onto next piece on the list but your piece here really made me think-thanks---