Hold Your Breath

You're being pulled under, better hold your breath;

You'd better start kicking, you're close to the end.

Lungs constricting so desprately, it's so hard to breathe;

You'd better hold your breath, don't give up so easily.

Clenching your eyes shut, for your entire world is on fire;

You want to kick and scream, give into the violent desire.

Your worlds shifting now, everythings becoming dark;

You're slipping into night now, theres no hint of a spark.

All the torment and the pain, burning the life out of me;

It's causing my only sight to fade, I'm breaking so violently.

Lungs constricting so desprately, it's so hard to breathe;

You'd better hold your breath, don't give up so easily.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

(March 7, 2007.)

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Seth Roseworth's picture

This reminds me of my English teacher trying to kill me >_>

But no matter xD. I love the rhyme and the beat. It's perfect. And it definitely reminds me of someone cruel and vindictive in my life -- my English teacher. >_>;;