
The way he came at the cafe
was loudly, playful, with his friend
At first glance you notice his

long blond hair,

baby blue eyes as far as you can remember

the jacket with patches of metalbands

you look at how your friend is taking his arm

you feel...


you don't know...
You just met him but feels like he is the one

even though you are scared


the guy that is nearly 20 ask the number

of your friend

you ook away

afterwards he asks yours

and you fucing dumbass forget it

but you have the courage to ask him his

he puts it on your phone while not know

that you don't know how to save numbers

on your new phone


"don't you have to go?"

asks your 'friend'
you say "fuck indeed"

checking your phone

saying " 5 missed calls"

you call your mom

say bye

you run to the guy you ... like?

you greet the rest

they were about tobuy some liquor

you hug people

you know you'll never forget the words that

came out of the metalhead's mouth;

Text me

Wait , nevermind
I'l find you..."

Author's Notes/Comments: 

ok erm i think this is not a poem ,i just wrote shit about a squish i just met on a birthday



ps future if u read this , did you text him?

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nvm hes takes hauahahuaha

nvm hes takes hauahahuaha