lonely flower

cement has paved the world
long winding roads
to anywhere a person may wish to go
to learn what we need to know
sidewalks keep pedestrians safe
from the cars whirling past
if you slow down
you can see your life flying by fast
but that crack in the sidewalk
goes unnoticed
with the lonely flower squeezing through
it has never harmed anyone
but what do you do?
you step on it
in oblivion
ride your bikes over it
crushing its only hope for survival
day after day
you cant hear it speak
you dont see it cry
asking strangers why?
why hurt me?
where did i go wrong?
that little lonely flower tries to stand up tall
trying to prove that it can be strong
you cant beat me down
it thinks.
you cant keep me crushed to the ground!
i will not take this anymore
i will be be tall i will proud
i am angry i am loud!
the lonel flower is rising fast
to migrate its pollen
to somewhere better
to the other side of the road
where the grass grows tall
and traffic is low
this time the flowers will have a chance to grow
away from danger away from pain
the sacrifice that flower made
is waiting for the next rain
and new flowers grow
a child walks by
sees the dying plant
crouches down so small
picks the lonely flower
and brings it home
something to love till its last life is gone
a vase to call life

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this...this is real. we can

this...this is real. we can live in a meadow :)