My grandfather's cane


My grandfather’s cane.


  My grandfather loves his old cane, the one that is black with a little lug in the end. Whether he is having a little walk in the garden looking around searching for flowers, leaving the house to do some shopping or going from his office to the restroom, all the family knows that he will bring his old black cane. He will wake up every day and look for it at the end of the bed, knowing that it will be waiting for him to help him go through another exciting day. And during the day you will see the old black cane wagging in the air rarely touching the ground, he will dance and play with it like a little boy with a new toy, because that old black cane is not only for support or for fashion, is also for assurance and it helps him feel able to do everything.  My grandfather at eighty four years and having experienced more than half of his life loves to do things by himself, because that makes him feel young, strong and capable; so regardless of what he is doing, that cane helps him do whatever he intends to, whether he is using it like a support as he is walking around the city, to reach and pull the lemons of the tree or doing emphasis in a word at a speech. A funny thing about this amazing cane is that it seems to give the feeling of authority to anyone who grip it, reason why my grandmother likes to use it to attempted to put some sense in his closed mind, sometimes she will only yell at him wagging the old cane up in the air, but in others and more stressing moments she will try to make a good swing at him; of course, she always stop herself (thought I think I can recall two times I took the cane out of her hands, obviously , she only respond me with an little impish grin). Sometimes, my grandfather is so stressed about something that he losses the cane in the house, well more like he cannot remember where was the last time he used it, so he will searched like there’s no end to find his wooden friend and guide, because that old black wooden cane is the one that helps him go straight in the path of life.


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