Your guilty abuse.

violent thrashings,
pain wrapped around my skin,
as you made this punishment begin.

Hands of your own,
grasp me by the throught,
beat me with a belt,
hit me with your guilt.

Guilt from your anger,
guilt from your fear,
guilt from the ones,
that you cant control by the ear.

With out control,
your mind twists,
your eyes twitch,
your mouth snarls,
your anger howls.
your hands, need
to take control.

Blame the children,
blame the wife,
blame the life,
that your stuck in.
But the blame,
is your shame.

at me when your done,
saying that this pain, has only begon.
That there is more to come.
at me, when im laying
you tell me to get up,
to leave, that your tired
of stareing at me.

I crawl, I stumble, i cry out in vein
moving only increases the pain.
You roar with such steam and fire in your voice,
that i move as fast as i can in spite.
Needing to get out of here,
i force the pain, to appear,
to move my legs, and walk away.
Back to my room, of hate and fear.
awaiting till the next time,
you need to blame,
someone else for your shame.

The guilt is your game.

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