Protect me from the dreams.

Laying in bed with you beside me,
strong arms wrapped around my waist,
Your touch Comforting me, soft, and gentle as it embraces my nerves,
calms my body, eases my mind, and quiets my worrys.

My head laid on your chest,
my eyes so heavy, they need a rest.
But fear swiftly blinds me, and i turn to toss,
and as i do, you hold me ever so tighter,
and even more closely then before.

You wisper into my ear, "shhh my dear, Im right here."
"Nothing can hurt you, not even in a dream,
while im laying beside you."
"Now close your eyes, and dream."

I let my body settle, and snuggle into your arms,
and i relax.
I close my eyes again, and i let the dreams embrace me,
knowing that im safe, cause your here with me.

As my mind, slips into a deep dream, you lay beside me,
silently watching, over me.
Making sure the sweet dream, doesnt turn into a nightmare,
before you yourself, lay down to sleep.

A kiss upon my cheek, and a wisper in my ear,
before your close your eyes, and sleep beside me there.

(" I love you, my dear, and dont forget that im here")

Author's Notes/Comments: 

My boyfriend, when ever i fall asleep, he holds me. He protects me from the bad dreams, when im in his arms, the demons dont dare come near me. lol He calms me, and lets me sleep, the best sleep, in my dreams

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