winds whispers

“Cinderella, dressed in yellow

went upstairs to kiss a 'fella

made a mistake

and kissed a snake

how many doctors

did it take?”

are the words that the cold air still brings

tan colored skin girl

green eyes, pink dress

jumping robe with her friends

waiting for time to hit 12 oh clock

waiting for it to be another day

run to the Christmas tree and open her gifts

yet the mentality of someone’s mind and the streets

had another plan for that innocent kid

as she played, and as she smiled

the sound of the robe on that cement floor

rose to a loud stormy noise

4 loud shouts of a metal tool

Made the windows shake, everyone on the floor

After a few all got up

Yet her pink dress filled with blood

Mother cries, fathers kneels, family mourns

So sad to once again see, another child gone

Due to the actions of a person without a mind

I see flowers across the street, every night at 10 oh three

A candle is lit for her soul to keep

when the streets roam with silence

You hear her giggle down 38th street

Her robe hitting the cement

Her voice now depress

She did not kiss a fella and was not her mistake

The snake roams free

And the doctors could not do anything for her aid

Not even a sacred happy day

is respected by the hands of sinful man

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