My forever house

The primary actions one takes,

one tends never forget,

they pursue you till the day you lay and rest,

effects are brought out as you take steps,

I walk, stretched hall with great view,

small windows appear,

I can count 5 and a ending wall ,

slice the veins,

like the Nile river the red fluid flows,

I take steps,

first window emerges,

I gaze, a bright light appears,

wonderful wishing star,

I wish for the red fluid to stop,

I walk begin to see blurs,

I arrive at the second window,

I gaze,

light brown material is the design it wears,

so soft it looks so nice,

seems like silk maybe is soft like cotton,

I begin to walk,

my sight begins to blur once more,

I take steps,  

third window,

I gaze,

something so bright blinds my sight,

so precious I know for a fact,

I can feel the warmth this window has,

try to react,

I take steps,

fourth window a dark room,  

seems there is no sight,  

till I begin to gaze,

a marvelous glow,

as a candle it begins to illuminate the room,

so magnificent I weep,

lights blur, my mind turns,

I fall to the floor,

my curiosity lifts me up,

I haul up my body with my arms,

I kneel, I move,

my knees lose flesh as I drag them to the fifth window,

I stand, I gaze,

a heart so bright Is there,

beats of slow tunes,

with each beat splatters of fluid,

it drapes from the top,

I cant react,

my body descends,

an ending wall I lay my head,

it holds the body that stations on the floor,

my own shoulder,

it listens, paint peals away,

I see that this is the place I marked your name,

I was once out the door,

but found the way back,

my first love I can never forget or take back!


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