Itching sensation

impressive itching in my crust,

cant stop the scratching,

creeps from my cranium down to my toes,

itch I disgust,

a razor-sharp metal kitchen object I acquire,

instigate to gash the crust,

as they do sheep,

I begin  to cut my crust as wool,

only have the spectacle of the red fluid splattering about, veins befall noticeable as they are been cut,

similar to strings,

they tangle from my body structure,

nerves wrapping my skeleton,

attaching to the four wall form,

itching does not end,

itch begins to tiptoe to my facial flesh,

split my face, pull my crust out,

my skull can observe in its  natural form,

the facial skin I heave with my hands,

trying to detach it away,  

as if I heave rubber bands,

particles of my flesh refuse to detach,

my eye sockets are bare naked,

my nostrils slam to my chest,

my brain drumming my knees,

swift motion,

gravity drag my facial form back to its natural form,

sharp nails on the walls,

I attached my crust, next I  run,

elastic form, my tissue stretched,

my pain so cruel,

an opera scene my voice mimics,

pounds of fluid are splatter to the concrete canvas,

of a revolusionatist artist, I fall,

the itch shift around my crust,

a whispering voice from the outside world,

speaks to me,

isnt that a cruel itch,

swarming your fleshy tissue,

I correct myself,

is the sins attached to your soul,

always a great effort to detached,

no matter what you do,

for eternity swarming your flesh


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