My admiration

Society has been changing,

but many are still stuck to the old ways,

some dont see the reality and fact,

that a women is in fact very strong,

you sit there face down,

I once said no more help,

but I guess thats who I am,

in tears the words are said,

you are a weak woman for had falling in love with him,

I believe you have a fictional theory in mind,

let me give you the facts then you will tell me in time,

a women is strong like steel,

is hard to break you apart,

here are the reasons why,

the only form of structural body

that will carry a being for nine months,

dealing with painful backs,

legs swollen hardly can walk,

yet you still move on,

the ones that take care of its child till he dies,

protecting them from the terrible world,

risking including your own life,

keeping us until we get flied,

have to bleed every month,

get cramps in undesired places,

some have to take two jobs to feed there young ones,

have to take our male organs

inside you most tender parts of your body,

take our bad treatment,

heal your heart to love,

so I dont believe you are what you think,

scientist dictated an alpha male,

as there search continues I will come back

tell your definition,

more stronger than a male I think you are,

I dont think none of us will like to deal with that,

thats why my admiration are women,

who are indeed very strong


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