A scene

Sitting below a tree,

glancing at the vacant stream,

much to think,

once more I have seen another spring,

days are reflected upon,

once more I am going to received calls,

once more acquired lovely hugs,

once more below the tree,

a schedule I have since age thirteen,  

as there best wishes come into ears and heart,

some with objects of adoration,

others with much importance a truthful thought,

once more I awake,

for it shall be another day,

still on mind questions of life,

joyful there are not vast scars on my heart,

as years past,

still red water process through my life tunnels,

as many wish and hug,

smile full of joyful thoughts,

in my escape I shall sit again below the tree,

glancing at the lonely stream,

still having  the many thoughts within


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